Will Writing

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Planning for the future can be daunting. But a Will gives you control over your estate after you die and gives you options over who benefits. At Martin Shepherd Solicitors, we simplify this process with our Will writing services in Potters Bar, Hertford, Finchley

How Martin Shepherd Can Help You With Will Writing

Are you willing to leave your loved ones’ future to chance? Do you believe everything will seamlessly pass on to your spouse or children without hiccups? Think again.

The truth is, without a properly drafted Will, your assets may not end up where you intend. Your spouse, partner, or relative might not receive what you want them to.

If you live with your partner and pass away without a Will, they will not automatically inherit anything. Instead, your estate could be divvied up according to arbitrary intestacy rules.

At present, the intestacy rules don’t recognise cohabitees. Your estate will automatically pass to your surviving family (i.e. children, parents, brothers and sisters). And your partner will have to file a claim for financial dependence against your estate, if appropriate.

If you have children with your partner, they will automatically inherit the estate and both your partner and your children may have to get separate legal representation in order to claim a share in the estate. The costly process and legal fees will reduce the value of your estate.

Avoid this situation by making a simple Will.

Our solicitors at Martin Shepherd Solicitors possess the knowledge and skills to guide you. We will take the time to understand your goals and provide you with the expert advice you need to make informed decisions.

Learn more about Will writing at our Hertford, Potters Bar and Finchley offices.

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Some Practicalities when making a Will

Ensure your wishes are carried out smoothly. When making a Will, there are several practical considerations to keep in mind:

  • Appointing Executors and Trustees: Executors handle your estate after your death, while Trustees manage property held in trust,  for example, while a beneficiary is under 18 years of age. Executors and Trustees have a significant role to play and should be either business-minded family or friends or professional advisors.
  • Asset protection: An ever-ageing population means that tens of thousands of homes are sold each year to fund the cost of residential care. A carefully drafted Will can provide that a share of the family home passes into a trust on the first death, which may give the survivor a right to occupy. 
  • The trust will ensure that the capital will be preserved from nursing home fees and instead pass to the intended beneficiaries. A trust of this type can be drafted flexibly to allow the survivor to ‘down-size’ or move property.
  • Funeral Arrangements: You can specify your funeral preferences and give instructions concerning your body, such as donating it to medical research. 
  • Appointing Legal Guardians: If you have young children (i.e. under 18 years of age), naming legal guardians in your Will ensures they will be cared for if both parents pass away.
  • Inheritance of Personal Items: Items like jewellery, paintings, and heirlooms can be designated to specific beneficiaries in your Will, ensuring they go to the intended recipients.
  • Supporting Charitable Causes: Leaving a legacy or a portion of your estate to charity not only benefits worthy causes but can also reduce inheritance tax liabilities, allowing you to contribute to the community in a meaningful way.
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Martin Shepherd Solicitors Will Writing Service

Even if you have already made a Will it is important to keep this under review at regular intervals (at least every five years). The world does not stand still and in particular your family circumstances and relevant taxation laws will change.

It is always best to instruct a solicitor who is legally trained and insured.

We can advise you of Wills and Will writing at our Finchley, Hertford, and Potters Bar offices. Reach us at 0208 367 3230 and ask for Debbie Gibbs dg@martinshepherd.co.uk or Gareth Humberstone gh@martinshepherd.co.uk.

Will writing gives you control over your estate after you die, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Without a Will, your assets may not end up where you intend, and your loved ones could face legal complexities and uncertainties in inheriting your estate.

Practical considerations when Will writing include appointing executors and trustees, protecting assets from potential nursing home fees, specifying funeral arrangements, appointing legal guardians for young children, designating inheritance of personal items, and supporting charitable causes.

By naming legal guardians in your Will, you ensure that your children will be cared for by trusted individuals if both parents pass away. This provides peace of mind and avoids potential disputes over guardianship.

If you need expert guidance for Will writing, please contact Martin Shepherd Solicitors.

Professional legal guidance ensures accuracy, validity, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Homemade Wills may contain errors or improper execution, leading to complications. Unregulated Will writers may produce invalid Wills, misrepresent themselves, charge hidden fees, or engage in fraudulent practices.

If you need expert advice for Will writing, please contact Martin Shepherd Solicitors.

Dying intestate can lead to complicated and costly complications for your loved ones, as your assets will be distributed according to intestacy rules rather than your wishes. To avoid this, it’s essential to have a properly drafted Will that reflects your intentions and is regularly reviewed and updated as needed.

It’s recommended to review your Will at least every five years or whenever significant life events occur, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, or changes in financial circumstances. Regular review ensures that your Will remains up to date and reflects your current wishes and circumstances.

Martin Shepherd Solicitors offers comprehensive Will writing services tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Our team of legally trained and insured solicitors provides expert guidance to ensure accuracy, validity, and compliance with relevant laws. With our assistance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your estate planning is in good hands.

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